Recovery Boots for Athletes

Recovery boots for athletes are the perfect recovery tool for runners, cyclists, heavy lifters and triathletes.
Figured out why recovery boots for athletes of all varieties and shapes are sizes are taking off? Chances are if you have tried them for yourself you won’t need any convincing. The improvement for recovery is generally pretty noticeable from the get-go. I think that’s the biggest reason we’re seeing such a spike in this recovery method – not only does it work, but it works fast.
The science behind compression therapy on muscle recovery for athletes isn’t new. In fact, brands have been commercialising this for some time with companies like Under Armour and 2XU dominating wearable compression for almost two decades. As is common place we see the science get diluted as commercialisation strikes.
An interesting tid bit for you… Wearable compression (I’m mainly talking about compression tights here) was intended for post workout, to be worn once your muscles were fatigued. But of course the sports wear giants didn’t get in the way of people wearing them for activity as there was a whole lot more money there. Really most of the valuable results are all in the post workout wear, and only a little in the benefits for wearing compression while you are training.
What are the benefits of compression recovery boots for athletes?
There are distinct benefits of compression therapy for muscle recovery. The main things we talk about are:
- Decreases recovery time
- Eliminates toxins and waste products eg lactic acid
- Improves your quality of training as you can train harder more often
- Increases rate of recovery from injury or muscle soreness
- Improves flexibility and range of motion
- Gives you some rest and relaxation between workouts (it's quiet a nice feeling!)
How do compression recovery boots for runners work?
The science behind compression therapy for runners is based on two main techniques.
Firstly, blood circulation is improved. An increase in blood circulation adds strength to our “original recovery system” of eliminating metabolic waste products like lactic acid that build up while training. This increase in circulation also allows cells to be re-oxygenated faster while also fuels an improved recovery.
Secondly, compression works to reduce inflammation within and around muscles after activity. It does this by reducing venous pooling (that’s blood pooling in the extremities) and ensuring this is moved back up to the heart. When we’re active, and particularly for endurance athletes like runners our muscles will be subject to “micro trauma”. This exercise induced muscle damage is normal during high intensity workouts. This is one of the things that makes us stronger over time as our muscle rebuilds. Compression therapy is a significant aid in this process.
⚡️ Check out my article on How often should you use recovery boots?
Been told you're over training?
Too often?
Too hard?
Too little recovery?

Do compression boots eliminate DOMS?
In theory yes, Compression Recovery Boots or PCD’s as they are often referred to will reduce the effect of DOMs.
DOMS is thought to a result of the micro trauma caused to muscles during intense or endurance workouts. Compression boots are thought to reduce the inflammation caused by this exercise induced muscle damage and improve the rate of recovery.
Are Compression Recovery Boots worth it?
There is no doubt that regular use of compression therapy for athletes has its benefit. But given the financial outlay, is that benefit worthwhile for you? I think the answer here lies in two questions. How big are your recovery problems? How deep are your pockets?
If you’re spending up big at health professionals to improve your recovery then a one off payment on a recovery product could pay dividends quickly for you.
Or if you are looking for that extra 1% edge then recovery boots could be the answer.
How are recovery compression boots different to compression tights or compression socks?
The short answer is that these different devices are both trying to do the same thing. That is increase blood flow, reduce inflammation and eliminate metabolic waste with hopes of improving recovery time and decreasing muscle damage.
But the rate at which they are able to do this is where they are really different. The amount of compression a Compression Recovery Boot (or PCD as it is often known) can achieve is vastly higher than that of wearable compression like tights or socks. This inflates (pardon the pun!) the rate of improvement.
Our favourite Compression Boots for Athletes
1o customizable pressure serttings, 2 compression modes and 3 session durations. Good quality production at a strong pricepoint.
Known as the market leader. The NormaTex Pulse 2.0 only really loses marks for its price. A well made piece that will last beyond others.
Known for it’s super quiet pumps. An easy to transport cordless system with 4 pressure settings and 4 modes.
A budget option that performs well. With less focus on athlete recovery in it’s branding, but the same compression therapy results.