Compression Recovery Boots

Massage Boots: Are They The Same As Compression Boots?

Massage boots and compression boots are two terms common in physical therapy. They ease pain in certain areas of the leg and boost recovery. These two terms are used interchangeably but are there any differences between them?

In this article, we will talk about the difference between massage boots for circulation, how they work, who they are beneficial to, and more.

Massage Boots: Are They The Same as Compression Boots?

Yes, massage boots are the same as compression boots. Compression boots can also massage your legs with the use of compressed air. They both work the same way and provide the same benefits. For massage boots for circulation and compression boots to work, you have to wear specific inflatable sleeves on each leg. It uses a system that fills your boots with air and squeezes different areas of your leg.

Therabody RecoveryAir JetBoots - Compression Massage Boots
Photo from TheraGun Store on Amazon

Compression boots massage your leg with pressurized air to give optimal comfort. Depending on the brand you buy, you usually have the option of choosing how much pressure you want. These massage boots boost circulation, amongst other benefits. Please note that before you use compression boots, you need to consult your doctor.

What Makes a Massage Boot Great?

Now that we know massage boots for circulation are the same as compression boots, we need to look into the features that make these boots stand out.

1. Material

Many popular massage boots use lightweight material, which provides the best comfort since it is easier to wear. The boots might use zippers or Velcro straps, which are equally great but ensure they are durable because, after a while, they will wear out.

2. Massage Modes

The compression boots should have various massage modes so you can choose the level of pressure you want against your leg. This is important because most people like a gentle massage at the beginning before easing up to a less gentle one, while for others, it’s the reverse. 


A compression boot that has only one massage mode doesn’t give room for adjustability, which is an important feature in massage boots for circulation.

3. Separate Massages

Another important feature that makes a compression boot great is that it can massage several areas of your leg separately. A full-leg massage boot might be unnecessary for people who only have pain in their foot, but having one (massage boots) that can massage your calves or feet separately is much better.


Please note that this is not to say that full-leg massage boots are bad; it’s better when you have control over where you want your massage.

4. Portability

Portability is a feature you shouldn’t overlook. When your massage boots are easy to carry, you can use them while traveling, at work, etc. Many brands of compression boots come with a bag where you can place them safely.

5. Power Source

Another feature you should look for is the source of power. If the boots use batteries, you can easily carry them, but on the downside, there’s a limited time you can use them before they run out. If the boots use a cord, you can use them at any time, but on the downside, you have to wait until the sleeves are fully charged.

Image from Elisa Kennemer on Unsplash

Who Needs Massage Boots?

Massage boots are not a must for everyone. If you don’t have any reason to wear one, don’t. People who need massage boots include:

1. Athletes

Massage boots are beneficial to athletes who engage in strenuous activities. They often experience Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS), a small tear in their muscle fiber due to high-intensity workouts. How compression boots help athletes by boosting their recovery by massaging areas of their legs. These gentle massages help increase blood flow to sore muscles.

When blood flow increases, so do nutrients and oxygen, which will travel to the affected muscles. Once this happens, it starts to boost recovery. Also, the increase in circulation helps eliminate waste like lactic acid, which causes the muscles to get tired. The buildup of lactic acid in the blood increases during workouts because of insufficient oxygen to break down glucose into energy. To compensate, your body produces lactic acid (lactate) to convert to energy without using oxygen. 

2. People With Poor Blood Circulation

According to, poor circulation can be caused by diabetes, heart conditions, obesity, etc. Poor blood circulation is a symptom of health issues, which can be treated on its own or with the disease. Some doctors might recommend compression boots to ease the discomfort. 


Individuals with poor circulation often experience swelling of the affected limb. Massage boots can help reduce it by compressing the muscles to boost blood flow, preventing the blood from storing in one area of your leg. Please note that poor circulation isn’t always associated with a health issue. You might experience it when you stay in a particular position for a long time, like when traveling. 


Compression boots also benefit people who partake in high-intensity activities such as rock climbing, skiing, hiking, etc. 

Are There Downsides Of Using Massage Boots?

Although most people claim that there isn’t solid scientific backing on the importance of compression boots, there have been no recorded downsides to using them. There are compression boots that medical practitioners and fitness trainers recommend to individuals who will find them beneficial. The only notable downside of using them is their cost.

Can You Use Massage Boots For Too Long?

Yes, you can use massage boots for too long, but it also depends on the purpose you’re using the massage boots for circulation. Usually, your doctor or fitness trainer will give you a duration on how often you can use it. Also, some compression boots come with a duration.


If you have a stipulated time for how long you can use the boot, ensure you don’t go beyond it. For most massage boots, you can use them daily for 20-30 minutes.


There should be no cause for confusion when you see massage boots for circulation and compression boots. They are the same thing. Remember to look for key features and consult your doctor before taking action.

Thanks for reading along! 

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