When you’re an enthusiastic cyclist, recovering from a road race is a crucial part of your entire training strategy. Time spent off the bike is just as essential to an athlete as time spent training. If you do not take advantage of the chance to allow your muscles to recover, you may be left with more than simply painful legs.
Scientists have been working for decades to enhance the healing process and minimize the pain, damage, and tiredness associated with exercise. You might increase your chance of injury and burnout if you don’t recovery well from a bike race. The three best recuperation strategies for cyclists are sleeping, eating, and following a well-designed training schedule. Sleeping longer, sticking to a schedule, and eating healthier can enhance your overall training and racing, whether you’re a novice or a veteran.
What Is the Importance of Cycling Recovery?
A cyclist’s plan must include time for recovery. When you exercise, you are stressing your body and breaking down muscles. During recuperation, these muscles heal, adapt, and get stronger so that the same activity seems easier the following time. If you don’t allow yourself time to rest and recover after a ride, you’ll stagnate and put yourself in danger of illness, injury, and over-training. Rest days are critical.
Measure your recovery
The greatest method to gauge your recovery is to take a day off and observe how you feel the next day! If you had a terrific ride and a high power output, it is reasonable to assume you recovered well. In contrast, if you’re on day 3 or 4 of a training block and your legs feel like trash, and your wattage is low, it’s safe to say you need a day off. I construct rest days and rest weeks in my athletes’ training programs, and I assess recovery (and how well their training has gone) with a 20-minute field test after a rest week.
Best recovery tips for Leg recovery after cycling
1. Take some time to relax
Who among us hasn’t jumped right off the turbo after a problematic set? A cool-down may take more time, but finishing each bike ride with at least 10 minutes of easy pedaling allows the body to recover to its pre-exercise state. Spinning the legs circulates circulation throughout the body and aids in removing metabolic waste products from the muscles, which aids in the healing process.
2. Put your feet up (elevate!)
If you’ve just completed a strenuous training ride, resting down with your legs against a wall can assist in drain fluids that may have accumulated in your legs, minimize swelling, and gently stretch your hamstrings, all of which aid in recovery. It will help restore blood flow to the brain if you are feeling faint or dizzy. British Cycling suggests aiming for a five-minute stay for every hour rode.
3. Stay hydrated, with cycling recovery drinks
While most riders drink little and often on the bike, dehydration is more probable in warmer temperatures after a complex or lengthy training session. This makes it more difficult for your heart to circulate blood and oxygen throughout your body, delaying the healing process.
4. Consume carbohydrates and protein
Nutrition is an essential tool in your healing arsenal (see our article on cycling nutrition). After a lengthy or difficult session, consuming carbohydrates to replenish the energy lost during exercise will increase your glycogen levels, while protein will assist repair muscles and reduce muscular pain. While some riders use protein powders and sports nutrition supplements, James is a firm believer in whole foods.
5. Use Compression Boots
After a challenging bike ride or race, using dynamic compression therapy such as compression boots can assist in minimizing muscular soreness, tiredness, and edema.
Compression boots are highly recommended since your leg muscles transport blood back to your chest. They can not only speed up the recirculation process, but they can also assist boost blood oxygen levels, resulting in a fuller and faster recovery.
6. Try Self massage
While it would be ideal to book a sports massage once a week, not everyone has the time or the money to do so. Fortunately, self-massage equipment like foam rollers, massage balls, and sticks provide comparable advantages by removing waste materials, reducing inflammation, and increasing blood flow to support healthy healing.
7. Incorporate Mobility work
Mobility training will keep your muscles flexible and in good shape, lowering your risk of injury. It also helps your muscles operate through their whole range of motion during exercise, increasing performance.
Other than these tips, there is a routine followed by french elite cyclists for their Leg recovery after cycling that are being discussed below:
How the French elite cyclists recover...
They refill their bodies after each ride:
For the first four hours following a ride, competitors try to consume one gram of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight every hour. Eating protein and carbohydrates after a workout promotes muscle synthesis and prevents your body from utilizing muscle tissue as fuel. Cycling is a team activity, so when they stop cycling, someone is typically there to offer them a sports drink.
They unwind completely:
Cyclists are good at relaxing and much better at sleeping when moving. Coaches maintain the bus as cool and pleasant as possible by stocking it with food and sleeping accommodations. You always make an effort to keep things as stress-free and straightforward as possible. Bring a blanket, pillow, or eye mask with you if you’re traveling for a road event or triathlon.
They rely on active recuperation:
Many cyclists sleep in a bit later than usual on their days off, then ride for 90 minutes around 10:30 or 11 a.m. to improve blood flow and drain away lactic acid, which can cause discomfort. To avoid weary legs, some people run longer distances or incorporate sprints, according to Reck. That is the last thing you want if you are competing on the Tour.
They never stop consuming carbohydrates:
Riders consume specially prepared gels, bars, and beverages that include various sugar sources, allowing them to retain more carbohydrates than they would from ordinary meals such as bagels or bananas. However, many people experience stomach pain after hammering their intestines with a single performance product for hours on end. Cyclists try to discover a combination that works for them to know exactly what to eat while riding.
The bottom line...
Training hard on the bike to get quicker is easy for athletes; adopting these recuperation strategies is where they get next-level results. Begin with sleep, diet, rest days, and regular rest weeks, indicated in a training plan. Once you’ve mastered the first three pillars of recovery, you can focus on the remaining 10-20% in a meta-analysis published in 2018. According to the researchers, massage is the most efficient rehabilitation therapy for decreasing muscular pain and tiredness.